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Cockroach and Snake of Rolls Royce Cure Plane Engines

In near future the cockroach & snakes could be possibly the colleagues of human beings in the form of robots. The UK based engineering company Rolls-Royce working on a concept to design the small robo workers which are inspired by common insects cockroaches and snakes. These tiny robots will be able to enter the engine of aircraft and provide the necessary details and layout which are required to repair engine. These mini robots having features of self analysis, inspection and 3D scanning which allows the engineers to find out the problem before repairing. 
By the help of these robots a lot of time and money will be saved. The current prototypes are oversize to work effectively as per requirements but as per company within 2 year approx all the necessary requirements will be fulfilled to make bots be the part of companies tiny but efficient and effective workers.          

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